Greater Ozarks MFA Agri ServicesOzark, Ash Grove & Marshfield.

At Marshfield MFA, we carry several different varieties of forages on hand.  If we do not have a forage you want, please let us know, and we can order it right away!
To view the complete 2014 MFA Forage Guide, please stop by your local MFA Agri Services store, or download the MFA Agronomoy App today from the Google Play store or the iTunes App store!
Legumes  |   Cool Season Grasses  |   Cereal Grains
Legumes  09/17/13 3:21:14 PM

Forage MasterRed Clover
Forage Master Red Clover is a blend of high-producing, elite, double-cut red clover varieties bred for tonnage, disease resistance, and stand persistence.

Physical Characteristics A legume with the potential of lasting 3 years.  Moderately tall with large leaves and erect growth habit.  Medium green color with pink flowers. Drought Tolerance:  In general, red clovers have poor drought tolerance.
Growth Characteristics:  Excellent seedling vigor with fast regrowth after harvest. Planting Requirements:  Plant no deeper than 1/2 inch in early spring or fall, can be frost seeded in late winter.
Maturity Early to medium maturity. Seeding Requirements:  Seed 6 to 8 lbs./acre drilled or 12 to 15 lbs./acre broadcast.
Disease Tolerance:  High resistance to northern anthracnose with resistance to southern anthracnose and powdery mildew. Soil and Nutrient Requirements:  Plant on well-drained soils.  Prefers soil pH of 6.0 to 7.0.  Every ton of dry matter harvested will require 12 lbs./acre of phosphate and 45 lbs./acre of potash.
Insect Tolerance Insects are seldom a problem. Harvesting Tips Should be cut at the early bloom stage to maximize crude protein and total digestible nutrients.  Will not tolerate continuous close grazing over an extended length of time.

First Roundup Ready/HQ (High Forage Quality) stacked alfalfa on the market.  Brings together the best characteristics of WL355RR and WL357HQ.  Excellent tolerance to Roundup® non selective herbicide.

Physical Characteristics Dark green, very fine stemmed, multileaf variety. Drought Tolerance:  Very good, alfalfa's deep tap root aids in drought tolerance.
Growth Characteristics:  Very fast recovery after harvest with excellent standability and has the ability to hold high feed value in the field over a longer period of time. Planting Requirements:  Plant no deeper than 1/2 inch in a well prepared seedbed.  Rolling before and after seeding will be helpful.
Maturity Early, Fall dormancy 4.7, winterhardiness 1.9. Seeding Requirements:  Drill 15 to 20 lbs. per acre of preinoculated seed or broadcast 25 to 30 lbs. in a well prepared seedbed.
Disease Tolerance:  30/30 on the disease resistance index with high resistance to Verticillium Wilt. Soil and Nutrient Requirements:  Soils that are well drained are preferred for alfalfa's deep taproot to take advantage of water and nutrients deep in the soil.  Phosphorous and Potassium are essential for alfalfa production with a pH of 6.5 to 7.0.  If lime is required, apply 6 months in advance of any alfalfa seedings.
Insect Tolerance Resistant to Aphids and Nematodes. Harvesting Tips For higher quality forage, cut at the first bud stage; for maximum forage yield and stand persistence, cut at first flower.  Make the last cutting at least 6 weeks prior to a killing frost to ensure build-up of root reserves for winter survival.

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